Kindly sponsored by: KPMG















Coxes Should Never Say




Keep going, they might catch a crab.
Just going through the umpire's wash
Faster up the slide!
(with a hint of hope) They're not going away as fast now
...97,98,99 ...
(On the way to the start), Is that OUR race going by ?
You're going to lose, DO SOMETHING!!
Pull with your hands (!)
Heard after 20 good strokes of a 25k steady state row ... "that's good, one minute gone."
Give me another hard on!
Two watch the buoy.
It looks shallow here.
Pull harder dad is watching!
Take a 10! You're Dying!
Let's focus on our technique now (as you cross over the 500m down mark).
Are we at full pressure?
Hold it up, so that our three man can recover from his crab.
We are walking on the official's launch.
When does our race start?
Boy, those guys are fast!
Last 10 strokes to the finish! 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 okay only 5 more!
Easy oar, in ten.
Hold it up, All!!
They're going faster than us!
We are going to lose.
Hey guys, it looks terrible but feels great.
They expect me to know what `Hold it up' means?
Does anybody know which side the sandbar's on here?
Now guys this is the hardest turn in the course, Oh Shit, Hold it up!!
(When your coach screams) " SAVE THE EQUIPMENT!!!"
One, Two, Three, Seven, Five.... (during a power ten)
Skeg?? what skeg?
Take ten to focus
Last minute....last fifty strokes...power twenty...power ten.. ..Almost There!!!
Guys, I don't think this is our race.
We're not gonna let the varsity beat us, we're the novice men!!
Boy, I can’t see anything in this fog.
Look at that!!
'cmon guys, that sculler is beating us
What are these strings for??
Don't get tired...
(During one of your first hard pieces in training): "Come on, pull harder than you have ever pulled in your life before!"
What the hell does that sail boat think it's doing?!!
How does this thing work?
Give me a power ten. One. . .Two. . .Three. (yawn) .Four. . . .
We're four boat lengths down...keep up the good work.
" I think I see the finish line guys."
Is there a reason that no one takes this arch?
(After a brutal crab) "Hey, where does three think he's going?"
We may have the smallest arms, but we're the hairiest!
Oh well, we can always get a new boat.
Oh well, you guys never liked the bowman too much anyway.
Man, it's a good thing i brought along this lifejacket!
That's it; i'm outta here. You guys are on your own.
Does anyone know which way it is back to the bay?
Starboards, lighten up. We've just been rowing in a big circle.
Take a ten, no a five, oh never mind.
we've rowed all seven for a while. Six, it's your turn to row now. Everybody else, set the boat.
OK, that's it for the stroke. Seven, throw him overboard and pull his oar in.
Do you think that gun is pointing at us?
OK, that last drill didn't work. Turn the boat back over and we'll try again.
Everybody hold it up. Bow and 2-seat, you have each others' oars. Exchange them now.
Why does that helicopter have those floodlights trained on us?
OK, pull it into the bank. We're going to have to portage.
Six, put that fishing pole away.
OK everybody, now it's your turn to bruise the kidneys of the man BEHIND you.
My name is Andre. I'm a former Pro Wrestling star from France. I'm your new coxswain.
I have no idea what your seat numbers are, so i'm just going to have to call you by name.
In my fifteen years of coxing, this is absolutely the worst rowing i have ever seen.
There's room for the keg in the back.
Don't worry about it, it's just a splashboard.
If we row fast enough, not too much water will come in the hole.
To the Batcave, Robin!
Let's have 10 for everybody putting their blades in the water.
Just really YANK it!
Everybody PANIC!!!
All Eight, get set to flail furiously, in two....
Power 20 through the bridge. One. Two. You know, this reminds me of a funny story about a dog i once had....

I wonder what kind of submarine has a periscope like that?
We're going to try out the new on-shore remote control mechanism today.
How Many Times have i TOLD you, it's "Puke OPPOSITE your rigger" !!!
Well, it was nice knowing all of you. Do you believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost?
Is that a mushroom cloud off port?
Well, that wasn't bad. I guess you can take your blindfolds off now.
Is that Bruce Willis coming towards us?
Oh, just slap it in.
Single strokes on this one: Drive, catch, finish!!
Remember to push WAY down on those handles during the recovery.

Why are all you guys facing backwards?
Set those stretchers All The Way Forwards! I want you to RAM into those frontstops!
Remember, anybody who's wearing socks gets thrown in.
OK, we lost to those 12-year-old girls last week, but i suspect some of them were on steroids.
Everybody listen up. I'm going to hypnotize you into rowing a better race.
Since we're so small, I figure we're going to have to row the body of the race at 48.
They might not notice if we jump the start.
The only way we're going to win this is if we rig it as an Octuple Scull.
Everybody pay CLOSE ATTENTION to the other boats!!
What does 'hasta la vista' mean?
Keep going! We'll make it to the finish line THIS time!!
(In a 2000m race:) Five minutes down, five minutes to go!
Keep going, i think i can still see them off in the distance.
Their jerseys ARE white, they just appear like that because they're redshifted.
We can probably salvage last place....
Are those men or women in the boat next to ours?
If we keep rowing like this, we'll definitely make it onto You've Been Framed this time!!
(referring to your opponents:) They're Old! They're Weak!
Everyone quiet. I'm concentrating on summoning spirits.
Row hard. Harder. Harder now. Still harder. Harder yet. OK, that's hard enough.
That's EXCELLENT work! Oh, sorry; i was watching another boat.
When did they build THAT bridge??
You guys might as well take your shirts off right now.
Don't stop just because it's the finish line, you guys need to get to the showers ASAP

Kindly sponsored by: KPMG